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Introduction As the Developer Marketing lead, I spearheaded our initiative to enlighten developers about the importance of internationalization. We leveraged our existing resources, such as blog articles, videos, and ebooks, and repurposed them for LinkedIn to reach a wider audience.
Problem The challenge was twofold: many developers were unaware of internationalization, and we needed to position ourselves as a trusted source of information without being overly promotional. Our goal was to educate, build brand trust, and subsequently funnel these informed developers into our marketing channels.
Outcome The 'Internationalization Awareness Drive' yielded impressive results. Not only did we see a surge in followers for Lokalise, but we also observed increased traffic to our blogs and videos, indicating a deeper engagement from our audience. This initiative fortified our brand's position as a thought leader in the realm of internationalization.
Tactics Our approach was both strategic and collaborative. We regularly reviewed the performance metrics of our LinkedIn posts to ensure we were on track. By collaborating closely with our Content Marketing and Graphic Design teams, we ensured that the content was both informative and visually appealing. We also tapped into feedback from the developer community, ensuring our content remained relevant and resonated with our target audience. This harmonious blend of data-driven insights, creative content repurposing, and inter-departmental teamwork was instrumental in the success of our awareness drive.
Promoting the significance of internationalization(i18n) among developers. Discover how our collaboration with Content Marketing and Graphic Designers led to a surge in brand recognition and trust.